Configuration file
Importing 1.x configuration
Ant Task
Additional JVM options at runtime
Runtime options
Running launch4j
Run launch4j.exe or launch4j script without command line arguments to enter the GUI mode.launch4j.exeTo wrap a jar in console mode use launch4jc.exe and specify the configuration file.
launch4jc.exe config.xmlOn Linux use the launch4j script.
launch4j ./demo/l4j/config.xml
Configuration file
Launch4j requires an xml configuration file for each output executable. You can create and edit it conveniently using the graphic user interface or your favorite editor. Alternatively it's possible to pass all of the configuration parameters through the Ant task. All files may be absolute paths or relative to the configuration file path.Launch4j 3.50 Configuration changes:
- Removed <bundledJreAsFallback>, path search is always first and registry search second in order to improve compatibility with modern runtimes.
- Replaced <bundledJre64Bit> and <runtimeBits> with <requires64Bit> which works during path and registry search.
- Replaced <jdkPreference> with <requiresJdk> which works during path and registry search.
- Replaced <bundledJreErr> with <jreNotFoundErr>.
- <minVersion> and <maxVersion> are now used during path and registry search, previously they were only checked during registry search.
<!-- Bold elements are required. Underlined values are the default when the element is not specified. %VAR% expands environment/special variables and registry keys. --> <launch4jConfig> <headerType>gui|console|jniGui32|jniConsole32</headerType> <outfile>file.exe</outfile> <jar>file</jar> <dontWrapJar>true|false</dontWrapJar> <errTitle>application name</errTitle> <downloadUrl></downloadUrl> <supportUrl>url</supportUrl> <cmdLine>text</cmdLine> <chdir>path</chdir> <priority>normal|idle|high</priority> <stayAlive>true|false</stayAlive> <restartOnCrash>true|false</restartOnCrash> <icon>file</icon> <obj>header object file</obj> ... <lib>w32api lib</lib> ... <var>var=text (%VAR%)</var> ... <classPath> <mainClass>main class</mainClass> <cp>classpath (%VAR%)</cp> ... </classPath> <singleInstance> <mutexName>text</mutexName> <windowTitle>text</windowTitle> </singleInstance> <jre> <path>JRE path (%VAR%)</path> <requiresJdk>true|false</requiresJdk> <requires64Bit>true|false</requires64Bit> <minVersion>1.x.x[_xxx]|xxx[.xxx[.xxx]]</minVersion> <maxVersion>1.x.x[_xxx]|xxx[.xxx[.xxx]]</maxVersion> <!-- Heap sizes in MB and % of available memory. --> <initialHeapSize>MB</initialHeapSize> <initialHeapPercent>%</initialHeapPercent> <maxHeapSize>MB</maxHeapSize> <maxHeapPercent>%</maxHeapPercent> <opt>text (%VAR%)</opt> ... </jre> <splash> <file>file</file> <waitForWindow>true|false</waitForWindow> <timeout>seconds [60]</timeout> <timeoutErr>true|false</timeoutErr> </splash> <versionInfo> <fileVersion>x.x.x.x</fileVersion> <txtFileVersion>text</txtFileVersion> <fileDescription>text</fileDescription> <copyright>text</copyright> <productVersion>x.x.x.x</productVersion> <txtProductVersion>text</txtProductVersion> <productName>text</productName> <companyName>text</companyName> <internalName>filename</internalName> <originalFilename>filename.exe</originalFilename> <trademarks>text</trademarks> <language> ALBANIAN|ARABIC|BAHASA|DUTCH_BELGIAN|FRENCH_BELGIAN|BULGARIAN| FRENCH_CANADIAN|CASTILIAN_SPANISH|CATALAN|CROATO_SERBIAN_LATIN| CZECH|DANISH|DUTCH|ENGLISH_UK|ENGLISH_US|FINNISH|FRENCH|GERMAN| GREEK|HEBREW|HUNGARIAN|ICELANDIC|ITALIAN|JAPANESE|KOREAN| NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL|NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK|POLISH|PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL| PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL|RHAETO_ROMANIC|ROMANIAN|RUSSIAN| SERBO_CROATIAN_CYRILLIC|SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE|SLOVAK|SPANISH_MEXICO| SWEDISH|FRENCH_SWISS|GERMAN_SWISS|ITALIAN_SWISS|THAI| TRADITIONAL_CHINESE|TURKISH|URDU </language> </versionInfo> <messages> <startupErr>text</startupErr> <jreNotFoundErr>text</jreNotFoundErr> <jreVersionErr>text</jreVersionErr> <launcherErr>text</launcherErr> <!-- Used by console header only. --> <instanceAlreadyExistsMsg>text</instanceAlreadyExistsMsg> </messages> </launch4jConfig>
- <headerType>
Type of the header used to wrap the application.
Header type Launcher Splash screen Wait for the application to close gui javaw yes wrapper waits only if stayAlive is set to true, otherwise it terminates immediately or after closing the splash screen. console java no always waits and returns application's exit code. jniGui32 (beta) launch4j yes always waits and returns application's exit code. jniConsole32 (beta) launch4j no always waits and returns application's exit code.
When JNI headers are used the JVM is created directly by the launch4j wrapper executable instead of running java/javaw launchers. The process name will be the same as the wrapper. The JNI headers are in BETA and some features are not available which is signaled during wrapper build based on the configuration. For production use consider the classic gui/console headers.
Missing features:- Only '.' is allowed in change directory (chdir).
- Command line arguments cannot be passed to the executable.
- Constant command line arguments (cmdLine).
- stayAlive should be ignored by JNI headers.
- Restart of appplication based on exit code (restartOnCrash).
- Process priority - only normal is supported (priority).
- Jar manifest is ignored, mainclass and classpath must be defined.
- 64-bit JRE are not supported.
- <outfile>
- Output executable file.
- <jar>
- Optional, by default specifies the jar to wrap. To launch a jar without wrapping it enter the runtime path of the jar relative to the executable and set <dontWrapJar> to true. For example, if the executable launcher and the application jar named calc.exe and calc.jar are in the same directory then you would use <jar>calc.jar</jar> and <dontWrapJar>true</dontWrapJar>.
- <dontWrapJar>
- Optional, defaults to false. Launch4j by default wraps jars in native executables, you can prevent this by setting <dontWrapJar> to true. The exe acts then as a launcher and starts the application specified in <jar> or <classPath><mainClass>
- <errTitle>
- Optional, sets the title of the error message box that's displayed if Java cannot be found for instance. This usually should contain the name of your application. The console header prefixes error messages with this property (myapp: error...)
- <cmdLine>
- Optional, constant command line arguments.
- <chdir>
- Optional. Change current directory to an arbitrary path relative to the executable. If you omit this property or leave it blank it will have no effect. Setting it to . will change the current dir to the same directory as the executable. .. will change it to the parent directory, and so on.
- <stayAlive>
- Optional, defaults to false in GUI header, always true in console header. When enabled the launcher waits for the Java application to finish and returns it's exit code.
- <restartOnCrash>
- Optional, defaults to false. When the application exits, any exit code other than 0 is considered a crash and the application will be started again.
- <icon>
- Application icon in ICO format. May contain multiple color depths/resolutions.
- <obj>
- Optional, custom headers only. Ordered list of header object files.
- <lib>
- Optional, custom headers only. Ordered list of libraries used by header.
- <singleInstance>
- Optional, allow to run only a single instance of the application.
- <mutexName>
- Unique mutex name that will identify the application.
- <windowTitle>
- Optional, recognized by GUI header only. Title or title part of a window to bring up instead of running a new instance.
- <jre>
- Required element that groups JRE settings.
- <path>, <minVersion>, <maxVersion>
- The <path> property is used to specify absolute or relative JRE paths, it does not rely on the current directory or <chdir>. Note that this path is not checked until the actual application execution.
Launch4j 3.50 <path> is now required and always used for searching before the registry in order to ensure compatibility with latest runtimes which by default do not add registry keys during installation.
Launch4j 3.50 <minVersion> and <maxVersion> are now considered during path and registry search, previously the version was checked only during registry search. The first runtime version matching the given range will be used.
- <path> alone
- Search for JREs using specified paths, if not found stop with error.
Default: <path>%JAVA_HOME%;%PATH%</path>
Bundled: <path>jre</path>
Advanced: <path>%HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\UnusualJavaVendor\JavaHome%;%JAVA_HOME%;%PATH%</path>- <path> + <minVersion> [+ <maxVersion>]
- Use path search first, if Java cannot be located then perform a registry search. If that fails display an error message and optionally open the Java download page.
- <minVersion>, <maxVersion> format - Java < 9
- The traditional version scheme supported by launch4j is 1.x.x[_xxx] and requires at least 3 parts, for example:
1.6.0 1.7.0_51 1.8.0_121
- <minVersion>, <maxVersion> format - Java >= 9
- The new version format is xxx[.xxx[.xxx]] where only 1 part is required and the update version after the underscore is not allowed.
1.6 9 10.0.1
- <requiresJdk>
- Optional, defaults to false. When true only a JDK will be used for execution.
Launch4j 3.50 An additional check will be performed if javac is available during path and registry search.
- <requires64Bit>
- Optional, defaults to false. True limits the runtimes to 64-Bit only, false will use 64-Bit or 32-Bit depending on which is found.
Launch4j 3.50 This option works with path and registry search.
- HeapSize, HeapPercent
- If size and percent are specified, then the setting which yields more memory will be chosen at runtime. In other words, setting both values means: percent of available memory no less than size in MB.
Launch4j 3.50 If the runtime is 32-Bit then a 32-Bit limit will be imposed even if more memory is available during path and registry search.
- <initialHeapSize>
- Optional, initial heap size in MB.
- <initialHeapPercent>
- Optional, initial heap size in % of available memory.
- <maxHeapSize>
- Optional, max heap size in MB.
- <maxHeapPercent>
- Optional, max heap size in % of available memory.
- <opt>
- Optional, accepts everything you would normally pass to java/javaw launcher: assertion options, system properties and X options. Here you can map environment and special variables EXEDIR (exe's runtime directory), EXEFILE (exe's runtime full file path) to system properties. All variable references must be surrounded with percentage signs and quoted.
<opt>-Dlaunch4j.exedir="%EXEDIR%"</opt> <opt>-Dlaunch4j.exefile="%EXEFILE%"</opt> <opt>-Denv.path="%Path%"</opt> <opt>-Dsettings="%HomeDrive%%HomePath%\\settings.ini"</opt>
- <splash>
- Optional, groups the splash screen settings. Allowed only in GUI header.
- <file>
- Splash screen image in BMP format.
- <waitForWindow>
- Optional, defaults to true. Close the splash screen when an application window or Java error message box appears. If set to false, the splash screen will be closed on timeout.
- <timeout>
- Optional, defaults to 60. Number of seconds after which the splash screen must be closed. Splash timeout may cause an error depending on <timeoutErr>.
- <timeoutErr>
- Optional, defaults to true. True signals an error on splash timeout, false closes the splash screen quietly.
- <versionInfo>
- Optional, version information to be displayed by the Windows Explorer.
- <fileVersion>
- Version number 'x.x.x.x'
- <txtFileVersion>
- Free form file version, for example '1.20.RC1'.
- <fileDescription>
- File description presented to the user.
- <copyright>
- Legal copyright.
- <productVersion>
- Version number 'x.x.x.x'
- <txtProductVersion>
- Free form file version, for example '1.20.RC1'.
- <productName>
- Text.
- <companyName>
- Optional text.
- <internalName>
- Internal name without extension, original filename or module name for example.
- <originalFilename>
- Original name of the file without the path. Allows to determine whether a file has been renamed by a user.
- <trademarks>
- Trademarks that apply to the file.
- <language>
- One of the language codes.
Importing 1.x configuration
1.x configuration is no longer supported by launch4j 3.50. You can convert it to 3.14 and then to 3.50.Importing 2.x/3.x configuration to 3.50
It's possible to import a 2.x/3.x configuration file using the GUI interface. Open the file, review all settings carefully as some of them cannot always be imported automatically and the search algorithm has changed in version 3.50.Ant task
You may set a launch4j directory property or change the task definition.<property name="launch4j.dir" location="/opt/launch4j" />Define the task in your Ant build script.
<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="${launch4j.dir}/launch4j.jar :${launch4j.dir}/lib/xstream.jar" />Execute the task!
<launch4j configFile="./l4j/demo.xml" />You can set or override the following configuration properties...
jar="absolute path or relative to basedir"
jarPath="relative path"
bindir="alternate bin directory..."
tmpdir="alternate working directory..."
<launch4j configFile="./l4j/demo.xml" outfile="mydemo.exe" fileVersion="" txtFileVersion="1.0 RC2" />You can also define the entire configuration in the task, but it will not be possible to edit such a file in the GUI mode. All paths except for <chdir>, <jre><path> and jarPath are calculated using the basedir project attribute.
<launch4j> <config headerType="gui" outfile="demo.exe" dontWrapJar="true" jarPath="demo.jar" > <var>SETTINGS="%HomeDrive%%HomePath%\\settings.ini"</var> <classPath mainClass="org.demo.DemoApp"> <cp>./lib/looks.jar</cp> <cp>%USER_LIBS%/*.jar</cp> </classPath> <jre path="%JAVA_HOME%;%PATH%" minVersion="1.8.0"> <opt>-Dlaunch4j.exedir="%EXEDIR%"</opt> <opt>-Dlaunch4j.exefile="%EXEFILE%"</opt> </jre> </config> </launch4j>
Additional JVM options at runtime
When you create a wrapper or launcher all configuration details are compiled into the executable and cannot be changed without recreating it or hacking with a resource editor. Launch4j 2.1.2 introduces a new feature that allows to pass additional JVM options at runtime from an .l4j.ini file. Now you can specify the options in the configuration file, ini file or in both, but you cannot override them. The ini file's name must correspond to the executable's (myapp.exe : myapp.l4j.ini). The arguments should be separated with spaces or new lines, environment variable expansion is supported, for example:# Launch4j runtime config -Dswing.aatext=true -Dsomevar="%SOMEVAR%" -Xms16m
Environemnt variables
The following variables can be used in the configuration file (elements which contain %VAR%). They are substitued during runtime, so for example the EXEDIR is the directory where the user installed the wrapped application.- %VAR%
- Any environment variable, for example %HOMEPATH%.
- Wrapper directory path.
- Wrapper executable file path.
- %PWD%
- Current directory, after chdir was applied.
- Directory before chdir was applied.
- Path to the JRE which was selected for executing the application.
- %HKEY_...\...%
Registry key value, e.g.
Runtime options
- --l4j-debug
To make sure the output executable is configured correctly you can use the
debug launching mode to log various information to the launch4j.log file.
Environment variable can also be used...
SET Launch4j=debug - --l4j-debug-all
Same as above, but additionally log loaded resources (options stored during wrapper creation).
Environment variable can also be used...
SET Launch4j=debug-all - --l4j-dont-wait
- Disable the "stay alive" function.
- --l4j-no-splash
- Disable the splash screen.
- --l4j-no-splash-err
- Disable splash screen error on timeout, might be useful on very slow computers.
These settings are only used during building of the launcher or wrapper, not during their execution.- Alternate bin directory: launch4j.bindir
- It's possible to override the default bin directory location which contains windres and ld tools using the launch4j.bindir system property. The property can have two forms: a path relative to Launch4j's directory (altbin for example) or an absolute path.
- Working directory: launch4j.tmpdir
- Change the working directory if the default path contains spaces which windres cannot handle.